The Head of IKAMABSII DPD Gorontalo, Rafikli: This Organization is based on the Family Principal

Oleh: Moh. Kadhapy . September 26, 2021 . 12:05:25

Gorontalo - Association of English Language and Literature Students throughout Indonesia (IKAMABSII) is an organizational forum formed in 1988 and currently improved in creating good quality of members with big passion in improving Indonesia.

On Thursday, August 26, 2021, Gorontalo officially formed the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of IKAMABSII with Rafikli Mukimu as its first leader from Universitas Negeri Gorontalo.

According to Rafikli, the establishment of DPD IKAMABSII Gorontalo is one form of unity from three Universities that are members of DPD Gorontalo: Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo, and Universitas Muhammadiyah.

"The main thing that I will do is to strengthen the relation of members of these three universities through IKAMABSII. The relation will continue to be kept into the next generation," Rafikli said during the interview with Violet Media.

The former Head of Advocacy and Human Rights of the FSB Student Senate 2019 was also expressed his pride and emotion when he was appointed as regional coordinator through the acclamation because the relation indicates that the three universities have the same purpose in improving IKAMABSII.

"Hopefully, IKAMABSII will not only be a place to accommodate all aspirations of English students, but also a place for them to grow and develop Indonesia to a better country," he said.
