The Student Association (HMJ) of English Department FSB-UNG Held a Discussion about Independence to Educate the Society

Oleh: Moh. Kadhapy . August 24, 2021 . 22:02:16

On August 17, 2021, it was a momentum that is highly awaited in Indonesia. On the 76th independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the Student Association of the English Department, Faculty of Letter and Culture, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, held a Talkshow titled "Bumi Nusantara (Sudah) Merdeka". It is located at The Konsep Syndrome Coffee on Tuesday, August 24, 2021.

In order to make the discussion succeed, all of HMJ administrators that have been involved, have designed it hybrid, with strict health protocols, and all participants and speakers who attend this activity have also been vaccinated.

Through a long process, the theme is to look at the conditions of the independence in Indonesia, whether it has been realized or not. It is because how the concept of independence has many points of view and many aspects that must be accommodated.

This discussion intends to provide education to the wider community related to the value of Independence and the situation that exists in the country.Obviously, it still needs to be re-discuss for the sake of the country. The Chairman of the Committee, Insyari Mokoginta, also hopes that this opportunity can be used to motivate the spirit of the young people.

Moreover, the chairman of the Student Association of English Department, Fadlia Panigoro, added her ideas related to the topic. She concluded the discussion that had been carried out with the speaker consisted of Mario Nurkamiden as a Graduate Student of Public Administration, UNG, Moh. Afandi Ismail as Vice President of UNG 2017 Students, and Alwi Kakoe as Head of Organizational Development of the Student Senate, Faculty of Letter and Culture 2021, led to the word “independence” based on the current situation.

"As a student, I assess that the word “independence” also needs a great performance in accommodating the welfare of all people in Indonesia," she said.
